Computer aluminum plate color difference test with YS3060 spectrophotometer

May 28, 2019
Latest company news about Computer aluminum plate color difference test with YS3060 spectrophotometer

Computer aluminum plate color difference test with YS3060 spectrophotometer

As we know now computers are used everywhere and in all company offices, but some customers will require the color to keep the same. How shall we check the color and keep them the same?

Once we get a sample from the supplier, we have to paint the same color to offer them. We can't say they are the same without any test result or just by eye. This is not persuasive.

ASUS choosed our 3nh brand YS3060 spectrophotometer to check the computer aluminum plate color difference for the quality department and the model YS3060 gave them a very good test result. Special the test report by the software satisfied them. We are very thankful for them to choose our 3nh brand and hope our machine can help their quality department to do good job.


If you need to check computer machine box or any aliminum plate or plastic board color difference, please consider our 3nh brand and now it is stronger and more popular all over the world. In the future , it will replace some famous brands.